While it should not be surprising, one of the things I have discovered since Little passed away is that there are people who think of their fur-babies as just animals. I honestly don't understand and frankly, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.
Little was never "just" anything.
When I brought Little home he was a tiny thing that needed to feel safe. In the weeks that followed he needed to be protected. In the months that followed he needed to be loved. And in the years that followed I feel like he gave me more than I could ever give him. I know that may sound crazy - you may say I'm crazy because he was "just a cat". But I really and truly believe it's true. For those of us who recognize that our fur-babies are indeed our babies, the love we feel for them is no different than the love we feel for any other living being. Little was my best-fur-friend and the sadness I feel from his absence is no less simply because he walked on four legs rather than two.
There are not enough pictures or memories to keep the sadness from coming. There are no words that can be said or deep breaths that can be taken to make the sadness go away. Maybe it'll happen one day. Maybe in the coming months my eyes will not fill with tears every time I think about Little. Maybe my heart will not break every time I expect him to meet me at the door and he doesn't. For all the sadness I feel, I also feel grateful that Little was with me, even for a very short time.
Little was a little bit of everything. Little was my best-fur-friend. Little made me happy. Little made me crazy. Little made me smile. I hope, wherever he is right now, that he knows how much I love him.
