Last week marked three months since my Little B passed away. And it hurts. Still. Brings tears to my eyes. Still.
There are moments when I still cannot believe that he is gone. That Little will never speak to me again in his sing-song trilling tune. That he will never again argue with me over who actually has control of the mouse for the desktop computer. Oh, that memory makes me laugh. Fighting with Little for the mouse. Trying to figure out how to disable the touchscreen feature because in chasing the cursor on the screen he opened so many different windows that it was easier to shut the entire computer down than try to close them all!
Little’s absence makes me sad. I am heartbroken without him. But for a minute, right now, I think of him and laugh.
Little, my beautiful B, you brought me so much joy. I miss you. I love you. And I know that I am not over you yet.
Peace and purrs,
Little’s Mom