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Writer's pictureLittle's mom

I still cry a Little . . .

Saturday was nine months since Little passed away.

I've had nine months of no Little meeting me at the door, wrestling me for control of the computer mouse, or sleeping wrapped around my head. Nine months of tears in my eyes and pain in my heart. It's been a long time since I've posted and the reason is that I just could not. Every time I started to put fingers to keys, I cried.

But this week has been different. I've attended two funerals. One for a man who was in his early 80's and the other for a man who was in his early 30's. Death is death whether it's a person or fur-baby. Our emotional reaction to death is particular to our own being and cannot be compared to that of another.

Is Little's passing any less significant than these two men? To me, it's not. Little was THAT important to me. His impact on my life and the loss I feel because of his absence is THAT big. And I feel it every single day. There is no day that has passed that I don't think about him. Talk to him. Tell him I love him. Tell him I miss him. And wish that he were here. The two men who passed away and whose funerals I attended were THAT important to the people who loved them; their impact THAT big.

We mourn because we love. It's part of our lives. It's the "bad" that we must inherently take to experience the "good". None of us will escape loss during our lifetime. But how we react and respond to the loss is at the core of who we are as individuals. Whether your loved one walked on four legs or two, we are who we are and we feel what we feel.

So let your tears flow. Share your memories. Talk about those you love who are gone. But no matter what, know that what you feel is okay. And remember that it only needs to be okay to you - whether it's okay to anyone else doesn't really matter.

Little would like that.

Peace and paws,

Little's mom

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